Sunday, April 29, 2018

Eccentric Exercises in Conservative Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy

Recently when reading " Lower Extremity Review", I came across an interesting article written by Jonathan Hook, DPM, and Curt Martini, DPM about the effectiveness of stretching therapy for Achilles tendon injuries.
The authors state,  " Pain in the Achilles tendon is common among athletes, recreational exercisers and inactive people alike".  Achilles tendinopathy is a non-inflammatory cause of pain in the Achilles tendon.  This may be caused by overuse, biomechanical problems or systemic disease. 
Treatments include rest, pain medications, stretching, strength training, heel lifts, footwear changes, night splints and icing the area.  Eccentric stretching involves movement against body weight to both stretch and strengthen the muscle fibers.  A recent study revealed no significant difference between a group who underwent surgery verses a group who only exercises for several weeks.  This may give pause to those recommended surgical correction for Achilles tendon pain.  There may be variations in the effectiveness of stretching exercises, depending on the location of the injury of the tendon.
To prevent recurring injury to the Achilles tendon, one may limit the amount of training, modifying footwear, changing the training surface or wearing orthotics.
If you have chronic pain of the Achilles tendon, contact our office, Eccentric stretching may provide lasting relief.

Evan Kelner, DPM      1398 Highway 35, Ocean     191 Highway 37W, Toms River

Are Orthotics a "Bandaid"

Recently, while listening to a few minutes of a Mets game, the announcers were discussing a player who suffered from plantar fasitiis.  Although the player had orthotics, he didn't want to wear them because he considered them to be a "bandaid', and he wanted a more definative treatment.
I could not help but wonder if it was fully explained to this player how and why orthotics work in controlling heel or arch pain.  Plantar fasitiis is an inflammation of the deep soft tissue layer at the bottom of the foot.  This inflammation is caused by a biomechanical deficiency causing a lack of proper support to the foot.  A good orthotic will maintain the foot in a "neutral position" and support the plantar fascia to prevent the strain that causes the painful inflammation.
Wearing the orthotics will in time allow the deep inflammation to subside and prevent the condition from returning.  This would allow anyone, including the baseball player to resume normal activities without pain-including playing professional baseball.
A foot orthotic of course is no more a bandaid than corrective lenses are to a nearsighted person.  Furthermore, a good orthotic can prevent the condition from deteriorating into a chronic condition requiring surgery.  
If you are suffering from plantar fascitiis, call our office.  Orthotics are so much more than a "bandaid".

Evan Kelner, DPM           (732) 988-0070          (732) 286-9200

Monday, April 9, 2018

Limb Length Discrepancy

An often overlooked cause of foot, leg and back problems is limb length discrepancy.  Limb length discrepancy is when one leg is longer than the other.  This results in an imbalance of the entire body when standing or walking.  The torso tilts in the direction of the shorter limb.  The spine then compensates forming an "S" shape rather than a straight spine.  This can cause lower back pain, hip pain, foot pain, and nerve compression, most notably sciatica.
A measurement of the legs must be taken to determine the extent of the limb length disparity.  If the leg length difference is small, often one or more full length insoles, placed in the shoe of the shorter leg, can compensate for the problem.  This, of course, works much better with a deeper, lace up shoe that affords more room.  If the disparity is significant, then an outersole extension can be applied to the bottom of the shoe.  In this instance, a prescription is needed to have the shoe modified by a shoe repair specialist.  The modification of the shoe is barely noticeable.
Although physical therapy and manipulation may relieve the symptoms of limb length discrepancy, relief is usually temporary.  The symptoms return because the underlying problem remains unaddressed.
If conventional treatments are not providing long term relief for back, leg or foot problems, consider the possibility of one leg being longer than the other, and seek the medical advise of a podiatrist.

Evan Kelner, DPM

Celebrity Foot Problems

Many of us watch events on television, such as the red carpet photo sessions at the Academy Awards, to see what our favorite celebrities are wearing.  We notice the designer clothes, make-up and even their shoes.  What we may not notice though, is their feet.
At the cost of looking stylish, many female celebrities wear very high heeled shoes to accentuate their legs.  Sometimes, the price is higher than they think.  One can 'google" celebrity foot problems, red carpet, to see an array of very unenviable foot problems.  Some of the most beautiful and glamorous women in the world are revealed to have swollen feet, cracked heels, crushed toes and ill-fitting shoes.  There are even photos of stars walking barefoot at the Cannes Film Festival, presumably because their high heeled shoes were too uncomfortable.  Many movie stars suffer from the same bunions, blisters, hammertoes and other problems that many of us easily relate to.
Remember, no matter how glamorous a favorite star may appear, no one is perfect!

Evan Kelner, DPM