Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Dry Skin of Feet

As colder weather soon approaches, we must prepare for certain changes that can affect our bodies.  One of these changes is that our skin becomes more dry.  Cold air is a cause of dry skin.
The feet in particular often become dry.  Rubbing and friction of the feet from improper foot structure or shoes can cause abnormal pressure on the skin causing skin damage, corns and callouses.  But there are other reasons that skin becomes dry.  Systemic diseases, medications, fungus infections and exposure to irritants and chemicals are some reasons skin becomes dry on feet.
More than just dryness of the skin, patients experience tightness, itchiness, burning and pain of cracked heels.  Dry skin occurs when the skin becomes dehydrated.  Water in the layers of skin allow the skin to act as a protective barrier to outside elements.  Without this hydration, the skin cannot act effectively in this capacity.
Treatment is directed to allowing for retention of water to the skin.  Several types of emollients, ointments, creams, moisturizers and topical steroids are commonly used.  People with dry skin should avoid soaking their feet in hot water as this draws moisture from the skin.  They should apply moisturizers to the bottom of feet and on shins after bathing.  Also "breathable" shoes made of leather or canvass should be worn.  Also socks should be worn with shoes or sneakers.
Some of the more common skin products for dry skin are Eucerin, Bag Balm, Amlactin, Heel Balm, Urea creams, Carmol 40, Lubriderm and Sarna.

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